What is an X-Ray?
X-ray are a quick and painless exam that capture images of the inside of your body. X-rays are most commonly used to evaluate the bones and joints. They can also be used to evaluate the heart and lungs, abdomen or head. Although the x-rays themselves cause no pain, the positions you may be asked to hold for each view may be uncomfortable. Keep in mind that these exams are very quick, and you won’t have to hold an uncomfortable position for very long. Lying down on your back or sitting up may also cause some discomfort depending on your situation. Please be assured that the technologists are doing everything they can to make the exam quick, easy and as comfortable as possible.
What are the risks?
X-rays produce ionizing radiation to create the images. Radiation exposure can potentially cause cellular mutations that may lead to cancer, though the risk is very small. Generally, the radiation exposure from x-ray exams are fairly low, and the benefits from the images far outweigh the risks. If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, please inform your doctor and x-ray technologist before having an x-ray. Radiation exposure during pregnancy, especially the first trimester, poses a greater risk to the baby.
How are x-ray exams performed?
Each exam usually needs at least two pictures or views to have a complete study. You will have to move into a different position for each view. A technologist will explain and give you instructions on the exam and help position you to assure the best images are taken. You may be asked to change into a patient gown and remove any items that may interfere with the images. X-ray exams are done with you either standing, sitting, laying down or a combination of the three. You may also be given different breathing instructions during the exam.
How should I prepare?
Most x-rays are done as an out-patient, walk-in basis. You must have a physician’s order to get an x-ray.
If an appointment is made you will be notified if there is any special prep or instruction.
Please arrive to the facility 15 minutes early to your scheduled appointment time to get checked-in and registered.
Family, friends and children are not allowed in the exam rooms with the patient during the x-rays. If you need to bring kids to your appointment, please bring someone to watch them in the waiting room during your exam.
When will I know my results?
You will receive your results from your ordering physician within a few business days, unless otherwise stated. A radiologist, a doctor who specializes in reading imaging tests, will read and compile a report of the image findings, which will be sent to the physician who ordered the test.

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Please call for available appointment times: 970.625.6442